Saturday, August 16, 2008

AMAZING!!!!!- 1/100th of a Second

I haven't watched a whole lot of the Olympics live since most of it starts after my bedtime. But, I did watch the 100M Butterfly race last night and all I can say is- WOW!!!! That was an awesome race. I can't believe Michael Phelps won again. I thought he had second as well (even his mom had two fingers up indicating second place).

Sometimes in things like this, a little bit of lucky or destiny has to play a part. I swam a couple years on teams when I was younger, so I always love watching swimming.

Now, onto the medley relay race. It should be very exciting.

Once swimming and gymnastics is over, I usually don't really keep track after that. Track and Field events don't interest me as much. But, it's been a fun week.

The opening ceremonies are great and swimming and gymnastics definitely hasn't been boring.

1 comment:

Nonna said...

I love it all but I have to say amazing to the swimming and gymnastics...I think the Chinese cheated big time though...most of their gymnasts were under 16 !