Sunday, August 10, 2008


Houston, We have a tooth. You can't really see it from the pics below, but Ashlyn does have her bottom left (her left) tooth in. It broke through two weeks ago, but its being really slow to really pop up. But, it is there-look close.

Sorry- I haven't been blogging much. Working way to much. Hopefully it will get better. Only seeing Ashlyn for maybe an hour if at all at night during the week, just isn't enough. Can you blame me, look at that face (taken right as I was writing this).


Nonna said...

The word on the bib say it all so adorable and SWEET !

Mary said...

Yeah on the tooth!! But I know how hard it is to work that much. Its like you get home just in time to see them go to bed. Its so hard. I hope work calms down a little bit, and you are able to spend some more time with her. She is too cute.
By the way... did I hear a fun little rumor that you might be coming out here next month?????????

Rebecca said...

Working stinks! :(

And I do see the tooth! Horray!!! She is so stinking cute...