Monday, March 31, 2008

Ready Set Bumbo

I may be behind on this, but I just saw the You Tube trilogy- "Ready-Set-Bumbo" and it was hilarious. So, if you haven't seen it yet, go to YouTube and search on that name. There are three of them (obviously) and you must watch them in order. It will definitely make you smile.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Finally getting close to those milestones

This will be short- Ashlyn finally rolled over yesterday. This is a big deal since she has really showed no interest at all. Danny doesn't believe me since he wasn't in the room. But, I'm sure she will start rolling all over soon since everytime I put her down she goes to laying on her side. So, we shall see. I know many of you probably say, no big deal. But hey, she's my first so I'm going to enjoy all the newness!!! :0)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Economy :(

This economic slump really stinks!! Besides the high gas prices (I choke everytime I have to go fill up my tank) and housing prices diving down (which really sucks since we just bought our house last March and it's value has probably went 10-15% down in a year), my company just announced that they are "freezing", ie., not giving, merit increases this year. I guess that is what happens when most of our customer base is banks and mortgage companies. They aren't doing well, which directly impacts us. FIS has been good to me over the past 4 years, so I can't complain. I feel worse for our lower level staff, it probably hurts them the most not to get that.

So, I will continue to hope for the best that things will start to turn around for our economy. (maybe this will help people actually learn to live within their means and actually budget out their finances. ) It's sad but I actually really enjoy doing our finances. I guess I'm an accountant through and through. I'm such a nerd, I didn't like quicken, so I created all my own spreadsheets to track stuff. (of course, that was before Ashlyn, and I had more time on my hands). I probably won't be creating any new ways to budget for awhile.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Last Post for Now

For those of you who care, Danny had a great trip to Vegas. He actually came back with all the money he took with him. Which means he won enough out there to pay for all his food and entertainment. So, we are happy about that. Since his plane ticket was purchased by using skymiles, the only thing he ended up having to pay for was his part of the hotel room. Overall, a cheap vaca. He's going through withdrawls though.

Back up

Danny wanted me to post this on the blog. We call this her "gang sign". She has been doing it since she was born. Sometimes one hand, sometimes both. We think it's funny, anyways.


Easter was a very uneventful day for us. However, Ashlyn enjoyed church so much that she slept for 3 hrs when we got home. I left her in her carseat in order to manage that one.

I love this picture of Ashlyn. You can see her eyes really well.

These are some more pics from Easter. The weather was nice, but just a little windy (which explains the goofy expressions from Ashlyn). I love her dress. I got it on sale at Pottery Barn Kids. But, it's allready getting snug through the middle. hopefully she can wear it at least 1 more time.

Real Food-Sort of

Ashlyn had her first taste of something besides breastmilk and formula this weekend. We fed her some rice cereal on Saturday. It went better than expected. We've fed her some for dinner every night since. So far so good.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Weigh In

Ashlyn had her 4mth checkup yesterday. She's 15lbs 8ozs and 26in long. She is still happily in the 90-95% for girls her age. She did great with her shots. Didn't really even stay that fussy yesterday. One bad thing though. She has thrush and passed it to me as well. So, we are on medicine now. However, even with that I have to be greatful because it doesn't seem to bother her at all and I know some babies really get bothered by it and won't eat and cry. She is still the same happy go lucky baby.

The little stinker even gives me a big grin when I tell her no after she "gumms" me (instead of biting since no teeth) while feeding. We are going to be in trouble!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hodge Podge of Stuff

Well. Danny heads off to Las Vegas this afternoon. Hopefully Chris can keep him in line and he stays within his budgeted spending/losing money. Ashlyn and I will have lots of quiet time to ourselves.

Sickness update- Danny and I are happily all better. Of course, I unfortunately passed it on to my mom who then has given it to my niece. She just started a job a Friday and had to call in sick yesterday. Sorry Kipin. Thankfully though, Ashlyn has not gotten the bug and her congestion is seemingly clearing up. So, I am definitely grateful for that.

We go for her 4 month appt on Thursday. I'm estimating a weigh in of 16+ lbs and around 26in. She is getting big. Her 6 month pants are getting tight since her legs are so chunky. Here come 9 month clothes!!! Luckily, I have lots of those sizes too. So, no need to start shopping for clothes yet (but it sure is hard to resist when I'm out).

Side note: I thought it was funny the other night Danny mentioned needing to get her bathing suit to his mom and he followed it up with "No Bikinis!". I ditto'd that, so our little girl will be playing happily at the beach in a lovely, modest one-piece.

Back to my alone time. Maybe after I get all our "sickness" pile of stuff washed, I'll read. Danny makes fun of me when I want to get in bed and read before I go to sleep. He thinks that is what old people do. Plus, when I get to reading I can't stop. I just have to finish it as fast as I can (which usually means reading for entire Saturday to get the book finished). Haven't had much time for that lately. I think the new James Patterson is out- 7th installment of his women's murder club series. I have read the first 6. I love murder mysteries. Also have read almost every book Mary Higgins Clark has written.

One last thing- I've got the much talked about "Mommy's Amnesia" or as my old boss calls it- Placenta Head (since it starts during pregnancy). 3 times this morning at work I would go into a folder on my computer to pull up a file and forget what I needed to pull up. Not exactly the most effective way to work. I usually remember what it is, but I have to stare at the computer for a minute and rack my raddled brain.

OK. I'd better not use up any more of my lunch time. I'd better go grab something to eat.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sickness- part 2

Well. Danny didn't have food poisoning. It was a stomach bug. Figured that one out when I got hit with it this morning at 1am. No fun at all in our household.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Here is my doodlebug on a happier day (her 3 month pictures to be exact)
Ashlyn I think is coming down with her first cold. I had to suction her nose 5 different times in an hour tonight. Plus, Danny (we think) has come down with food poisoning. He's been really sick for the past 4 hours. So, we are not a happy houshold. Right now, Ashlyn is asleep and danny wants to be. Hopefully tonight isn't as bad as I think it will be.

If anyone has any suggestions on the cold or food poisoning remedies let me know.

P.S.- I'm running the humidfier at full steam for my sickly (or maybe just allergic) little one.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Ashlyn has upgraded to her Bumbo now. I'd love to know what she is thinking in these pics.