Friday, March 21, 2008

Weigh In

Ashlyn had her 4mth checkup yesterday. She's 15lbs 8ozs and 26in long. She is still happily in the 90-95% for girls her age. She did great with her shots. Didn't really even stay that fussy yesterday. One bad thing though. She has thrush and passed it to me as well. So, we are on medicine now. However, even with that I have to be greatful because it doesn't seem to bother her at all and I know some babies really get bothered by it and won't eat and cry. She is still the same happy go lucky baby.

The little stinker even gives me a big grin when I tell her no after she "gumms" me (instead of biting since no teeth) while feeding. We are going to be in trouble!!!


Mary said...

YEEEOOOOOUUUUCCCCCHHHHHH!!!!!!! I had thrush with Eli and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. If your medicine doesn't work, try gentian violet. You can get it at any stand alone/hospital pharmacy... you won't find it at Rite Aid. Then google "gentian violet for thrush" and follow the directions. It turns EVERYTHING purple including clothes, but the thrush will be gone for good. Hope you don't have to go that route, but if you do - it works great (and fast).
Glad she is growing so well!!! I can't believe she is 4 months already!!!

Meredith said...

Ainsley bites HARD. About two days ago I had decided that I was DONE, then the bruises healed and it's better now. :) So sorry you ended up with thrush. No fun!

So, your four month old is bigger than my almost 11 month old. So sad! My baby is so tiny! I'm glad that Ashlyn is doing well and getting big! She is a doll!

Nicole E. said...

I have big babies too. Ashtyn is in 3T and she will be 2 on April 11th. Lia is in 6 and just turned 5 in December. So I know about wearing clothes one time and I am really cheap. The good thing is, you can sell her clothes when you are done b/c they are gently used. I have a second hand store down the street that loves when I come in...